Tag; You're It!
Merry Christmas to all and to all.....let's get drunk!
Amen and may the wine gods bless you all...
(subnote: this post had actually been created on December 25; however, something peculiar happened, I got a little tipsy and forgot to hit publish..sorry for the delay; however, I'll make it up to you all tomorrow!!)
Too busy for this?
G'day mate! Wow...2 days before christmas...I bet you all are feelin that "ahhh" feeling now. The last minute shopping, cooking, cleaing, gifting....it's seriously rediculous how it gets this time of year, yet we still push and go like it's nothing...
I have been feeling like as of late the days melt into weeks, and the weeks melt into months without taking much notics...I mean, each day I know what the date is, but you never really take time to appreciate or savour each day! I can't even savour my friggen coffee in the morning let alone the entire day!
So when I was reading my fav blogs today, I came across Bindu Wiles' most recent posting and I was just shocked. THIS is how I feel daily and yet I never knew it....she has a wonderful out look on life and is a Yoga guru! I really encourage you all to read her blog because she really does love words, language and expression. Below is direct from her post...how do you feel now that you have read that?? Think it's attainable? Think you would feel like you were missing something??
Perhaps all we can do is try....
i can get into the silly mental gymnastics competition of, “if i do x, i’ll be a better person.” it’s a big trap, so i decided to just do what was in front of me taking care of all the things that simply could not wait, and accepting that there is only so much i can do in a day and that’s really ok. instead of generating more and more energy to do it all, i have made small decisions each day to what needs to get done and then to rest. it takes some trust to rest. the world goes on without us and we worry we will miss something, or not be on top of our game, or people will forget us and we will be out of the loop. it’s not easy to stop pushing pushing pushing, and to stop saying over and over how busy we are. it’s so boring to hear that people are busy. it doesn’t really tell you anything specific about them or where they are at anyway. Mostly it just keeps people out. so that’s where i’ve been. accepting my energetic limits and choosing other things besides being more wound up and stressed out. when i’ve had a few minutes, i’ve chosen to lay down or go to yoga class or watch a netflix or look through my art books instead of post here. i can feel my energy gathering again. i can feel the edges of my eyes softening again. i can feel the ease flowing in my veins and muscles. stressed out is not our natural state you know. what i know about myself is that i don’t want to live life hard and hardened. i want to live it soft and relaxed. i don’t want to grasp and push. the only way to do that is to choose stillness, not after the turbo-movement has stopped, but while it happening. choosing to stop in the midst of the motion. to extend care towards myself that has it’s own inherent wisdom and knowing of when and how to do that. obligation and expectation often hijacks that inner knowing. why do we often find ourselves pushing and extending beyond what feels right for us? we have these extraordinary emotional compasses inside us that we override very often. with the solstice approaching, it’s a perfect time to listen to our inner voice of guidance. and ya know what? it always comes in the form of a whisper.
Jesus spoke to me in tongues; I may have a drinking problem?!!!
12 Days of 2009....
dred the shred
Howdy y'all! Ok, so I am back stuck on the floor but this time with horrible news...I think my muscles are thirsty. I don't think I am hydrated enough to work out or my body is clearly a sponge for liquid because when working out, I get parched super bad and have been getting paisties - and really I swear haven't smoked any glorified oregano since that last post!! cross my heart! Anyhow, so I talked to my Dr. today on the phone and said what was going on and he suggested to chill until I can at least walk without pain. I deceded to listen to him; however, I did a 15 min ab video and then 15 min arms/legs session so I did the "dred-the-shred" program today. My shins, ankles, knees and heels are really thanking me but my ass is also not too happy from the squats because I totally made them burn today! My doctor also said that beer isn't good for when you work out...funny though, I dont drink beer - thanks for saying I have a pot belly!!! He didn't say anything about Rum though!!!! (insert silver lining here) I don't have much to post and for that I am sorry; however, I am super tired and have zero creative juice left. I did however, speak with my seistor for like 2 hours tonight, and I haven't talked to her in a while...SO HAPPPY now. I know now what a crack addict feels like when they get their fix. "you're like my personal brand of heroine" Jax. xoxox Anyhow, so she is coming home on the 8th for 2 days before she goes to Cuba. This makes me happy/sad/happy/sad. Comme ci comme ca. She is going to Cuba for 2 weeks and I was totally supposed to go on this trip. Ya see, her bday is in January too and we had planned we would go with our respective men; however, guilt and life got in my head and clouded my vision. How could i leave my babies for a week? How could I afford to go? Who would watch the kids for a week? Would Dan get the time off work? all these things made me say no to the trip. Even when my hubby said to just go myself. Tempting; however, totally unrealistic! I mean, I couldn't imagine not being away with him. We both haven't been anywhere since our honeymoon 7 years ago. We dont get time together, so I would feel guilty for taking time apart...pa-thet-ic I know; but I kinda love my man a lot and if anyone deserves some time away, it's him. This is the truth my friends--not just in case he reads this....well that's not a bad thought though! Anyhow, so she is going and I am not. She will be here for 4 days though and I get a girls night - proper one - and a great dinner out also!!! I can't wait - it'll be really fantabulous!!! She is also going to post on here, so you'll get to know her...perhaps I could get her to do a vlog! JAX IF U READ THIS, just say yes! we'll make cocktails and vlog together!!! ok, we talked about it and SHE'S DEF IN!!! I think her answer will be "Fuck ya!" which is translated loosly in chick language to "there better be free booze or else!" and yes, there will be!! Anyhow, this is it for tonight - again, apoligies but I just wanted to say that I have been getting some love from you and you and you and I just wanted to say RIGHT BACK AT 'CHAS it means a lot!! until next time, on the same bat channel i leave you with the song that always gets in my head with I say sister rather that seeeistor. sisters sisters there were never such devoted sisters never had to have a chaparone,no sir "im here to keep my eye on here" sharing caring every little think that we are wearing when a certain gentlemen arrived from Rome she wore the dress and I stayed home! Chick Norris
Level 2 Day Un. Fail.
I am Chick Norris!!! Dont eff with me!
.its beginning to feel a lot like christmas....
Day 7 - no motivation FUCKING PMSing :)
tweeting sounds pornographic..isn't there a better word?
Day 5 and stayin alive stayin alive!!!
Stop Right Now....Thank you Very Much....
Day 3 - Yay ME!!!!! and my pants where around my ankles in the living room
Hola Bitches!!!! So, A vlog for you lovelies! Surprise surprise, my daughter So - who she has just asked me to announce has her first loose teeth (bottom middles) and has her adult tooth already appearing. In typical Sophia form, arriving before announced at the ball and making her own entrance. Anyhow, I have been hearing a lot more from people and some new folks too - welcome welcome welcome! I have had a blast getting to know you all and am really starting to feel great. Maybe it's the endorphins from the work out or maybe it's the 2 rums i have chillin in my freezer but whatever it is I dont care....no...I swear I haven't done chemicals in YEARS!!! (we're talkin many many years).. but it's true. I am feelin great and when I say my pants fell down during my workout - they totally did.
In the 30 day shred you start with your warm up (remember, I told you we did are crosses and BIIIIIG windmills) then we did cardio - and I hated every minute of listening to Satan's voice...ya...this is the same video..again
So I am kicking my own ass literally during the cardio part of it and all of a sudden I start to feel myself bounce and flop; and then it happened...my pants totally fell off! Now, for a bigger gal, that feelin is amazin, but for my 5 yr old daughter who was workin out with me I think I totally shocked her because all I heard was "aaaaaaaaaahhh Momma, your butt is huuuuuge, and I can see your undies!"
whatever, you know what?? I have been trying to loose weight since I had her so for me to have on a pair of comfy pants and have them fall off, wtf this is the GOAL and guess what - I accomplished something!!! I didn't give up; I didn't bitch and complain - um,....i'll take that back because I totally did; but I am proud that my pants fell down!
I am totally stoked for day 4 tomorrow though. I think that part of it is the fact that I am challenging myself to do this. Something that even my own husband has said he doesn't think I will stick with it, or that it's not that hard...whatever, cuz you're not gonna be saying that when my ass is small and tight and I have a flat tummy are you???? NO, you wont...so FUCK OFF!
I do have a challenge for him though...even though he weighs like 20 lbs, he needs to get in shape too - so I am going to challenge him to do this with me...tomorrow Dan's ass is gonna be Jillian's and we'll see how easy it is for him! Sucka!
Also, I have to purchase new running shoes as currently I have my old puma's and they aren't the working out sort. What kind do i buy??? I know I would love some funky green or red ones, but now a days running shoes are all about inner arch support with anterior cushioning...I just want something my dawgs can hang out in while they brace themselves for the ride of their life...(side note -my mental image of how my feet react to me doing jumping anything is how someone would look on a mechanical bull and if the bull was in agony....)
As I said in my vid.. thank you so much Jen (EHG) for getting me involved in this! I am totally doing something for myself - finally, but I am really so happy I read your post.(well all your posts cuz your cool but that one particularly about the body love and the shred sissy shower...) Alex, nice to see you stop bye, and if you seriously have 4 kids and you're 32...I was almost in your shoes hunny, and good on ya!!! Julie, are you shreddin? I do the workout to the new moon soundtrack..it kinda goes with it!!! Who else....um, if you haven't started to read Peter de Wolfe please do, this guy is super great. The main reason why I love to read his posts are the ones that are addressed to his future wife. Totally adorable.. Bindu Wiles who was a "blog of note" a few weeks back is totally great also. She is a writer, yoga guru and has a great seistor too..(thank you for spreading the word). Anyone else that has stopped by or commented; thank you all!!
Day 4 is comin up and I can't friggen wait to see how it goes....I am seriously going to have a couple rum n cokes tonight, cuz god damn it, I am worth it and every body likes me!!
Day 2 What the Poo?
Day 1 holy bu-ut! Ga ga What the Fu-uk!!!
what the feck is goonie goo goo?
ladies and gentlemen it's about time that we all sit back and enjoy the show that is about to begin. So, I am nearing my 30th year and have really tried hard this year to better myself and take more interest in me...blah blah blah...anyhow, on a rare occasion i totally let loose and just do whatever...(seriously, even though I do drink often, I dont usually get tanked or fall down or pee myself or puke on the taxi driver or nearest officer....really!!!) but sometimes i actually take the Responsible Mom hat off and put on the "what the feck is goonie goo goo" hat on.
last Friday was one of those nights - let me tell you!!! So kids are gone to in-laws (aka Heaven) and i am at home by myself until hubby comes home from the restaurant...I have really been out of it from the wack on the noggin mid week and really haven't been too "with it". I asked him to perhaps bring home something that may take my headache away....now..this brings us into a level of our relationship that I am not sure we should enter; however, I will plead the 5th if ever questioned...this glorified oregano was something like i have never had before...I really couldn't stop laughing, eating, giggling or drinking my rum n coke...(i actually had to go to the store to fill up again - and that onlyhappens once every 2 weeks usually...not 2 times in 3 nights! Yikes...at least I am not solely to blame...hubby often assists in the pirate punch!
anyhow, so I am sitting here, feeling little pain on Friday and have had several cocktails and then he comes home and just stops in the door way...and looks at me and shakes his head and laughs...ok, so the image i'll give you is...our house is quite small but if you are standing in the door, to the immediate left is our staircase and infront of the door is the living room that has a sliding door on the back wall. Our couch is in the middle going horizontally with the back wall and the TV is on the wall where the stairs are facing the back wall...
anyhow, so i am on the couch in the corner (my fav. spot for reading, writing, sitting and cuddling) and must have started to drop off because, i was curled up, in my spanky blanky with my hoodie on and the drink in one hand and Princess Pineapplebottomjeans sitting on my knees playing with my icecubes in the drink...(bitch - she had her own drink...)
so he wakes me from my coma and we decide to watch some great comedies....we start out of Eddie Murphy's Delerious and then move into Russell Peters Red, White and Brown...I love watching stand up as it is...but really nothing beats Eddie Murphy in a red leather suit on stage throwin down...I started to laugh from the beginning and didn't stop until I went upstairs to pee and came back down and started again...I am sure you can see why...
We then watched Russell Peters....and for any of you who do not know who this guy is..he's likely one of the funniest Canadians next to Dan Akroyd. His comedy is really controvercial as he does love to bust all who are in his venue; however my favorite part is when he starts talking about Portuguese people... it made me pee!!
We have actually seen a few great comedians in our relationship from Chris Rock to Lisa Lampanelli and I can't tell you just how much I love to laugh....really. If its at someone eles' expense I tend to be remorseful afterwards but when something makes you laugh...you just can't control it. Another one of my favorite parts of RP is when he is doing the Dance Dance Revolution...WATCH IT!!! You'll see!
If you used to watch the Andrew Dice Clay stuff, (yes, I am dating myself) but if you liked that, then I would deffinately watch the Joe Rogan (ya the guy from UFC and Fear Factor). His standup was insane!!! Another great standup to watch is the legend Robin Williams...
Back to the story..so hubby and I are both comfy on the couch, drinks in hand and I was onto my second wind...we just sat there for a couple hours laughing with eachother...honestly, its times like that that makes you wanna freeze the movie that is our life and stay there...between me and my non-stop giggle fit and his making fun of me for drooling when I was talking...life couldn't have gotten any better!!
I know it's not too funny or clever but really, I can't be fucking perfect every day right???
Hope you all are great and update...Panty Pyramid update I have purchased FUNDIES!!!!!!!!!!!! for my first 10 people, guess what chicaa and dude (one guy is in this!!) i am getting the postage together and am aiming to send out by Monday...hope you're getting excited! I know I am!
Peace out!!