- Friday, May 14, 2010
Ok, so here it is...straight and to the point. I have not been pregnant for almost 3 years. I have not breast fed for over 2 years and today...I had milk in my breasts?!!! WTF is this shit? Does it curdle? Doesn't it go sour? Why THE FUCK is this shit still in my milk jugs?!!!!! I am serious here friends...I had a shower tonight, and then all of a sudden I felt in my bra and looked down and there it was....leaky boob spots. I feel as if my jugs weigh way too much and perhaps this is why? I am wondering if perhaps I should do as some Chef's are doing and prepare some delish desserts, cheese and such goodies... Maybe I'll stop feeding Mr. Insatiable real food and will just toss him a boob. And let's just get this out of the way...There is NO fucking WAY I am preggers yo! I had my factory shut down 3 years ago...but it does have me asking this question....
Seriously? That is kind of weird. Hormonal maybe?
hahhahahah I am SO glad my jugs dried the hell up the MINUTE I stopped breast feeding...all that drippage was driving me crazy!
Dude- that is horrible. I remember the non stop leaking and though I was going to die. Oh, and then when your milk is drying up? And you already normally have a D cup? DIE DIE DIE
Oh. Good. God.
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