Anyhow, so that was Saturday... we all went grocery shopping and had a blast!!! Again you all know how much I love taking the fam out, we sample the goods, teach the kids about veggies and I get to create in my head the perfect Sandwich. Seriously, this is what goes through my brain while shopping....LUNCH! I must have mental issues.
The rest of the day was with the kids and puttering about the house! I was a little sad though later in the day, as Jax was leaving for Cuba. Ya see, they had invited us to go with them for this trip. I know that it's something that could happen; however, when you have kids, and especially more than one it's more difficult to just pick up and leave them behind...there's sooo much organizing and to put on someone else's shoulders; however, its all good! I know we'll get away some day soon. I do hope she has fun though.
Sunday January 10, 2010
Today is a great day!!!! I always love Sundays because Dan's home and we always have a great time with the kids and easing our way into the day. We get up a little later, we snuggle on the couch (all 5 of us fit on this pig) and we have a great breakfast...its' just great. I made Bailey's and coffee, and we just were. We also watched Harry Potter (The Coblett of Fire) and Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - two movies I totally love!
We were also gearing up to say good bye to Dan's brother Brandon. Today was the day that not only 1 sibling but 2 were leaving for some time. Seistor left at 3 am and Bran and Tess were leaving in the evening for Australia...we couldn't leave without saying good bye, so we made our way over to Chez Pascoa (his parent's house) and you could just feel the tension. Mima was sombre, Cort (the youngest brother who is 22) was himself, and Bran was solemn. The kids totally started to bawl and freak out that they will miss him; that totally ripped my heart out! They don't even see him every day or every week as it is, but because he is gone for a year, they were just so sad. It was really difficult to watch, and Brandon couldn't take it for long either....he had to walk away....we said our goodbyes, and wished him well. It's gonna be such an adventure!!! I'll def. give updates as we get them...and I also d/l Skype so we can totally talk when they are online. I did hear that they landed safely in Hong Kong earlier today, so that is great news!
We then took the kids to my moms...THANKS NANNA for watching the kids BTW..
Next up Dinner out with our friends!! We were going to Treadwell's Farm to Table Restaurant in Pt. Dalhousie (which is just like 25 mins from where we live out towards St. Catherines/Niagara on the Lake). I love love love love this restaurant...it was also where Dan and I went to celebrate our 6-year anniversary this past summer. Anyhow, so in "Insatiable Host" fashion, I documented the dining experience to share with everyone!!!
I can't tell you enough, just how amazing it was....really. I hope my shabby images can do some justice...but I swear, I was soooo satisfied when we left, as were our guests...it was just amazing!!
We arrived and were instantly greeted by Robert, the Somelier and manager at the restaurant. With his compliments along with Chef Steven Treadwell and Somelier/Co-Owner James Treadwell's wishes they popped a bottle of Rose Sparkling Wine for the table...it was soooo yummy (and a great effing way to start the evening out!!)
Again, apologies for not remembering the wine pairings; however, at this length of a post I am sure that you are sooo delighted that I didn`t...I couldn`t not share this with you all though, really. I mean, even though you all are likely to be very hungry right now and wanting to hit me with your free-weights, I hope you all know I still love you all.
We finally were winding down the evening and dessert time was about to commence...(sigh)
Happy Birthday to me! (this is the new shirt I bought too!!!)
Starting from top left going clockwise...Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee with Cocoa Bean Icecream and a Cookie; Specialty Coffee of Baileys and Frangelico topped with fresh whipped cream (that was literally just made); Cheese selection and an Apple Clafoutie served wtih a Dolce La Leche Ice Cream Topped with an Apple Chip. Can you guess what one I had!!!!
So folks, that is it! Our evening out, with friends, enjoying amazing food, company; lots of laughs (like a shit-ton) and some great snaps for viewing pleasure. The only thing left to do was tour the kitchen. So we walked back there, and saw all the writing on the wall (from past guests who have dined at Chefs Table) and our favorite post was this one...AFRICA - Another Fucking Restaurant I Cant Afford!!! Chef Treadwell you and your crew rocked the socks outta us again and we thank you from our full bellies!
There you have it...3-days in review and I am now exhausted and am going to snuggle with my hubby and watch a flick and maybe get some extra snuggles (if ya know what I mean)!!! Enjoy my friends and until next time....I hope you all had a great weekend! Tell me what you all did.
Happy Birthday Luverly. Looked like you had an absolutely fab time. Yay!
Hilarious underwear discussion, references to The Gun Show, and food porn. Your posts get no better than this. Loooved it.
Holy crap you WERE busy the last few days!
It looks like you had an amazing weekend and btw, you look freaking hot!
Oh, and next time you hit up AFRICA, take me with. I just about drooled all over my keyboard!
New to your bloggity blog blog. Lovin it :) It could be the sex-laced alcoholic beverages... If you get a sec to check out my blog specifically from Sunday you'll get why the song on your page made me about die. Adios!
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