oh, why can't there be any more hours in the day... if there were i would have many more projects started and finished rather than half done bursts of energy. i would be able to fairly divide my time between each child, the husband, myself and my home. i would have been able to do everything that i had wanted to do (like be productive and buy paint for my bedroom, do all the laundry, clean the bathroom, buy a gift for a kid who's birthday party is tomorrow and sleep for a few hours without anyone in my bed). Instead, I woke up took the kids to day care, came back home slept for another 30 minutes and got up, took hubby mcgee to work and went to see my mom for a coffee...
i also went to the mall...my new sactuary! I had a few gift certificates from my birthday that i wanted to use and i also wanted to just do something for me...so i go and find myself gravitating towards homesense (which is a great home furnishing store) and I met my new favorite thing...my new lamp.
lamps add subtle accents for room, allow height variences for decorating, illuminate your space and they also happen to be super cool. So, as my mother-in-law has my camera -and my phone's USB cord is mIa, I can not post the image;however, its sexy.
Brushed steel base that has a great shape...the round base has 3 tiers and then a globe-like shape that stretches into an elongated neck. The shade, is more a "band" but it's covered in black silk with a velvet trim on the top and bottom. so beautiful...and elegent...and simple.
Anyhow, so i buy my lamp and walk through the mall caressing it. I got a lot of compliments on it too...actually there were 3...but for my town for people to actually acknowledge you is a big step...anyhow, so i made my way into the store i wanted and found myself hugging the lamp. literally. hugging the lamp (insert here "i carried a lamp")
I found a couple cute tops and cardigans that i liked and i saw a few things that i would love to be able to wear...more inspiration right? SO I try to get into the change room and couldn't so i found myself torn because i had to put my lamp down...i didn't know if i should just buy the clothes and then try on at home...no, i was here, and i may never get another afternoon to myself....so i put the lamp on the service desk and tried on the clothes...the sales rep started to accessorize it. she put a scarf on it, she turned it a little...wtf is that?!?! she loved the lamp clearly, hello it's friggen amazing but why was she accessorizing it!!?
I have brought the lamp home and she feels like its the missing link in her life really...we bonded. I sat on the big purple couch, with my rum n coke and stared into the lamp...our eyes fixated on oneanother...it was magical. I look at the lamp now and smile.
you may think this is silly but really. I.Love.My.Lamp.
Dan just came home too and i also think that he loves her too..perhaps not as much as i; but we both have been eyeing it all night...I think that this lamp will be with us for a long time...and if this is true, she needs a name...
this is serious folks...we need to name her! I am open for your suggestions- I will post a pic shortly (as soon as i can find where the damn laptops camera is or the USB cord went...)but this is a serious cry for help here.
anyhow, i am going to post more tomorrow about my night, but we are just settling down to watch a movie (Rock'n'Rolla and I happen to luve luve luve GerrardButler - sorry friends...it's also time to snuggle with the hubs). I hope you all are great and keeping well though, and thank you everyone who has been reading and commenting and reading...for those who are new here (because I seem to have been getting more friends (WELCOME), but drop me a line..have a cocktail...
good night.
goodnight D. Sleep well.XO
I was so gonna belt out an I Love Lamp. Maybe I'll have to get you a tee shirt that says it.
It's hard to think of a name without seeing it. Stella maybe?
Where is a picture of the lamp? I can't name a lamp I can't see. Otherwise I will just call her Matilda. Weird - we have Rock'nRolla as our Netflix movie, and CH is uninterested in watching it. Tell him he will love it.
I thought you were pregnant...HA HA HA...oh and step off, Gerard Butler is officially my fake boyfriend...ok, I'll take the 300 and PS I Love YOU VERSION, YOU CAN HAVE THE REST.
OK chicas...first we have to address the real issue at hand..ALEX...1) my factory was shut down due to the economy..and the fact that I spent 4 years being preggers...and now I want my body back..2) Gerry is mine, but I do hear he likes more than 1...I'm not down with that but, I mean it is Gerry...I'd take him in Phantom of the Opera, Greatest game ever played, LauraCrawford's Tomb Rader and Ps I love you...man he's smokin.
3) Julie - this is for you CH-- Watch the damn movie, there's T&A, swearing, crime, action and they had to do something for the ladies, that was Gerard Butler...you'll LOVE it!!!!
4) Im trying to "techie" myself up and get the lamp in the computer...but for real...she's a winner!!!! xoxox thanks gals, hope you're all amazing!!!
How about:
1) Judith Light
2) Anne Lampley
3) Matilda Plumshade
4) Suzie Silverstick
CH said to tell you that he will watch the movie tonight, but only because you are utterly insatiable. And he respects your blogging skills. At least I THINK that's what he said - he took our son to Avatar this afternoon, and he has been speaking Blue People language since his return. (He just looked over my shoulder, miraculously spoke English and said, "I like her new picture.")
Name for the lamp: Jackie Brown
dark, brown, sexy and sleek..
Name for the lamp: Jackie Brown
dark, brown, sexy and sleek..
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