Bonjour mes amies! Comme ca va? I hope you all are doing great today!!! I am actually in a fan-fucking-tastic mood. I will say that I spent 70% of the day stressed, angry, moody, migraney and pre-mentral (which is a great time): however, I have also made chiurkey soup, garlic bread and have shortbread baking as we speak.
I haven't posted about me cooking as of late and my initial goal was to have this blog to document my culinary adventures; however, as I have been trying to lose 3-baby weight, I am finding it hard to still love to cook the way I used to as I am not enjoying it :( The great thing is that I am trying to learn to love cooking healthy's a very very hard thing to do for me.
Anyhow, in other exciting news, I have 21 followers now...this is pretty exciting for me so thanks everyone!!! I am quite excited that my blog is out there and I am meeting so many great people! I am also finding a shit-ton of great new blogs to read...some of them are Never Been Lived Before; Yes and Yes and Sarah-bration. I know you all know that excitement you get when you log in and can read what your "friends" are writing; but really, its an addiction; a vice; a passion that I have...I love being able to see what's up...and ya know, I was watching the movie "Funny People" and there was this part when Adam Sandler's character was doing a stand-up bit for a Myspace benifit and the lead-up was something like...'I have 40,000 friends on myspace" "oh ya! what are you doing tonight?" "i'll be on my computer"...and Dan was laughing - belly laughter.
Now, I am not sure if I have shared with you that as Dan is really happy and proud of me for having this outlet; he has mentioned a few times little random things like "oh your friends are calling..." or "you better not forget to post because everyone's life will stop" and I know he is kidding because, for some sneaking suspicion I think he reads ev
ery post...ya YOU...did I figure out your secret? Are you reading this right now??? well...not now, I know you are watching the Jets win when you actually are reading this...

Anyhow, so as he makes these little jokes I kind of feel half n half about it...I mean, let's not kid ourselves...I know that no ones life in in shambles when I don't post or haven't for a few days...and I know that it's not imperative to do so or to please any masses; however, I also feel really special that for those of you who do post comments, it means you actually took time out of your day and said whats up! Maybe that makes us friends...not real friends, like FACEBOOK friends (because everything is official on Facebook!), but close enough, right?!?
Then I got to thinking about how to get more readers...more viewership (if that's even a word) and I learn this secret...that for every 100 reads, 1 will comment....and was like Fuck-Ya I have real friends on here! They actually took the time out of their day and defied the odds and actually posted "whats up" on MY blog! Anyhow, I thought that those odds were pretty fascinating considering I have been blogging since September 09, have 59ish posts and am ranging around 20-40 views a that's pretty good I guess...
Anyhow, so I have started to find other ways to get my blog out there....not out of the closet; however, out into the spotlight...I would love any suggestions, ideas or things to avoid...what are you guys n gals doing?
Now, I know there are the elite bloggers, the ones that were cool all their lives! The ones who are authors of fantastic literature, studied interesting things, and wear vintage clothes that make me want to write like them...those elitesters who have amazing appartments on the LES that are decorated as if you were looking through an IKEA catalogue...and yet, they too have their secrets..did you pay people? use subliminal messages? (if you did, how does that work really??? is it encrypting?) I know a magician never reveals their secrets, but really, we are all non-facebook FRIENDS right??? is there a brother/sisterhood of blogging that there are rules that you help fellow bloggy peeps who have questions????
I think I have pleaded my case...but really, any suggestions are welcome here.
Other great news is that I am now 30 and 3 days and am really trying to maintain an outgoing, upbeat, and personable attitude. I am completely healed (ankles and kneees) and have started to work-out hardcore again! look out thought I was done with you did you????? CHICK NORRIS LIVES BITCH and she's ready to get ya!
I am also proud to announce that I have hit 20 lbs lost too! I am into a size 13 comfortably and the 3-mummy-tummy is shrinkin! Today I was showing off my new less-roundness to Dan and sad to say, the belly has seen way better days; however, now it's looking so much smaller. The thing is that when you have kids, for some women (the real sized women with child-bearing hips) we get this ponch like a little pot belly... and for some reason it doesn't go away...tighten...firm up or anything...I had actualy named my "Booochie" like from Pulp's was my own pot belly and it loved blueberry pancakes. Anyhow, so booochie is getting to a state where it's name is now boochie! It's lost an "o"...and I am soooo proud!
I am feelin great, lookin better and lovin life!
Talk to y'all soon and please don't forget the pantypyramid...I have a new post..some of the newest followers haven't sent me thier addresses, sizes, and preference. If this is you or if you are lookin to join please send your info asap. I have heard that there are some issues with leaving comments and following for some reason and I know that BLOGGER is aware...last resort email me your stuff at insatiablehost (at) yahoo (dot) com and I'll get you your info!
Yay Chick Norris! Don't totally lose the boochie, because now that you've named it I am attached. And yes, if you didn't blog, the world would stop. Really. So don't even try it because do you want to risk all of our lives? That is a big gamble. Are you feelin' lucky, punk? Are ya?
julie, who is hungry like the wolf for those warm shortbreads...
I love this post. Love it love it. And my real life BFF thinks I'm a teeny bit off my rocker because my blog BFFs kind of rule my life. I'm serious. We ARE friends. I heart the internet.
YAY! And super, SUPER congrats on the 20 pounds down... you're rockin' it!
Blueberry pancakes are the BEST. Boochie knows where it's at.
Update: I got an email from hunky mchubs...he does read this diatribe! he also loves boochie...
just sayn.
You're hilarious! I think I luvs you!
ps. Ooh, thanks for stopping by my blog.=)
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