The Insatiable Host: she needs a name...taking suggestions now!#comments#comments

The Insatiable Host: she needs a name...taking suggestions now!#comments#comments Ok friends...I have the pic up of "the lamp" i have 4 amazing fantastic and creative suggestions from Julie - A Day in the Wife...(and her fantastic Blue People Talking hubby who digs my pic and who loves my writing skillz becuase julie, i heard his thoughts..its all good!) these four names are sadly the only suggestions from you all i have gotten. Do i need to bribe you all with alcohol? Candy? Gift certificates??? about about if you all send me some more suggestions (not that i dont love yours Julie cuz Judith Light is likely my fav..) and I will start to think about give aways aside from undies.... Promise! My ideas for her are : Bette (Your Ass its a great Shade) Miller Stella Madame Lamps-a-lot Elle Mac FierceLight Uriah Phoebus (derived from the words Uriah (my light is Jehova) and Phoebus (light) Lux Lior (Lux - Latin for lux meaning light and Lior which is Hebrew for my light) Sunny Roshan (Roshan is Persian for bright or light) see... clearly i need help!!!