Stop Right Now....Thank you Very Much....

Hey you, I'm kicking Jillian's butt
Better push on baby; gonna shred some pounds..
So everyone....happy friggen Sunday!! How is everyone? I have to tell ya, it's been a super fun day in my life today....we went to the Santa Clause Parade here, and I had some super fantastic pictures until I let my kids use the camera and they deleted all of them EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ONE....I am sooo seriously annoyed and I have no clue as to how to get them back. ggrrrrrrr... was my fault.
anyhow, so we saw our friends the Flips and also saw some other friends. It was really great to see everyone out on such a beautiful day and seeing the town support everyone. It makes me hope that next year is way better...I mean have all the friends come about; food food food and hot chocolate with baileys!!! you know what I'm sayin...
Anyhow, I am still in full "shred-mode" and I think that I am ok now...I can't do the normal pushups - but really what freak can??? (nothing against you people who can, this is just my tantrum about the fact that I can't...) I mean seriously folks, we all saw the gerth of my jugs yesterday, how the hell are my arms strong enough to push that shit up and down???? I need some advice. I need to know what else can I do to strengthen my arms so I can do these things they call "normal push ups" I think I can seriously do 3 in a row before I collapse.
I have notices that I am great on the endurance part of this also...meaning, that I can actually get through the whole thing!!! I am feelin a little bit ho-hum about the fact that I dont have anyone in my physical presence who is doing this with me....I know that I have motivation and support from my family and my seistor is suuuuuper happy I am doing something...but it would be great to have someone so jazzed about kicking my own ass each day, ya know? hmmm...this brings me to the lack of girlie friends...oh well...maybe when I have my new sculpted skinny body, i'll have some new friendies.
What Hubby has asked me out on a date with that is exciting. I think it's next sunday, so that should be great. Dinner, drinks and alone time, oh my! It has been since our anniversary (july 5) that we have had a date night, so I am looking very much forward to it.
Anyhow, I am off to go snuggle on the couch and watch a flick...thanks for being there...whoever is out there and thanks for letting me speak my mind....
Peace out suckas!!! DAY 5 up next!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

It's okay that you can only do 3 full push-ups! Don't be so hard on yourself, if they were easy you'd get no benefit from them at all. You can make the last few a little easier by putting your feet out wider. The closer out your feet are it is easier and the closer together they are harder to do because that puts more of the weight on the upper body. Also you can help yourself get stronger to do them by working more on your tri-ceps. You can do dips on a big step or from a chair or you can do tri-cep kickbacks. There are other exercises to strenghten the arms and shoulders too and everything ultimately will help you do your full push-ups...even core work since it takes a strong core to help hold yourself up while you do them. But it's all good and you are doing great. It's okay to drop to your knees to do a couple and try the rest on your toes again too. You have options that will keep you going while you continue to master them all!